Example of social media materials you can download [below].
Our aim is for People. to create conversations about housing insecurity and homelessness right across Cornwall and as an outdoor exhibition host your contribution is invaluable. Below are a few thoughts on how to maximise its impact…
Promote your participation locally:
Invite people to view your exhibition piece – you might consider holding an outdoor private view for friends and family, or just let your neighbourhood know you’re taking part and where you are.
You can download a promotional poster to print and put up to let people know: perhaps ask local shops, businesses, organisations if they will display a poster for you. [Download links at the bottom of this page.]
If people can’t get close to your portrait (e.g. it’s inside your garden, etc.), you can print an explainer poster to place somewhere people can access which has our QR code, web address and social media info.
Help US promote your exhibition site through our website and social media:
Your participation is already listed on our on-line exhibition map which gets updated as exhibitions go live.
Send us a photo when your portrait is up so we can announce it on the map, Instagram and Facebook.
If you like, send us a quote about why you’re taking part which we can also post it, or do it through your account.
Promote your exhibition site through the media:
We’ve included a draft press release in the downloads below with areas in red for you to add your details. While we hope this is helpful please don’t feel you have to stick exactly to it but do let us know who you’re speaking to!
This could be local media or industry or interest specific media relevant to you or your organisation.
Promote your exhibition site through YOUR social media (if you use social media):
Share photos and tag us in @peopleprojectcornwall @st.petrocs #peopleprojectcornwall #stpetrocs so we can share your posts far and wide!
Include in your post a bit about why you took part. [Or download and edit the ‘standard copy’ below.]
You can download our preprepared videos and banners to launch your exhibition.
Or if you’re a business or organisation use some of the above in a newsletter or on Linked In.
Expand the number of people WE can reach:
Follow @PeopleProjectCornwall on social media and share our posts to your networks and we will share yours! Also encourage others to follow the project’s progress by doing the same.
Be prepared to talk to people about your exhibition piece, the project, St Petrocs:
People may ask about the origins of the project which you can read about here!
We’d recommend you download and read our book which introduces the project and shares the experiences of the people we spoke to, in their own words. You can suggest others download it too to find out more. We will send you a hard copy but it may arrives after your exhibition piece as we’re into a second print run.
People may ask about the person in your portrait. You can say each person photographed has experienced homelessness or housing insecurity since the start of the pandemic but beyond this encourage them to consider what they think or feel in response to it and why they imagine the image is as it is...
People may ask about St Petrocs - we will include info booklets with your exhibition piece, to share.
People’s questions and comments may not always be easy to address - don’t feel you have to have all the answers, a good question is worth pondering - and anything you're unsure of feel free to drop us an email.
Social Media launch materials to download and post: